
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Data and Information

     Data is raw facts. It can be in the form of numbers, characters, symbols, pictures or even sounds and it has no significance when it exists in that form.

Information is data that is organized and meaningful.  It is used for making decisions.Data is used as input for processing and information is output of this processing.


Data when grouped becomes information and when information is contextualized, it becomes knowledge.

Data Integrity is the degree to which data is correct.

Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) is the computer phrase that means you cannot create correct information from incorrect data.gigo

The qualities of a valuable information are, Accurate, Verifiable, Timely, Organized, Accessible, Useful and Cost-effective.

Information can be used to influence and persuade. it can be Information can be a product, a service or a commodity — something produced as a package. it  can be a capital resource, especially for companies that produce information-based products and services.

Information has two basic elements which are

  • Reach which means the number of people, at home or at work, exchanging information.
  • Richness has three components:
  1. Bandwidth (the amount of information that can be moved from sender to receiver in a given time).
  2. Customization (whether the information is tailored for an audience of a particular size).
  3. Interactivity (the extent to which the involved parties can converse).

In this topic I have Understood the distinction between knowledge, information and data.  How we can use Information in various ways and how it is use in different sectors such as education, banking and health. Also it is very important that the data is correct because no correct information would come from incorrect data.