
Wednesday 11 April 2012


Database is a collection of interrelated data stored together with controlled redundancy to serve one or more applications in an optimal way. The data are stored in such a way that they are independent of the programs used by the people for accessing the data.

Database Management is a software system for manipulating databases.database_software_icons_by_happy_icon_studio-d4n3fkl

Physical Database consists of Data Items, Relationships, Constraints and Schema.

Data Base Management has Five Primary Functions, Define, create and organize a database, Input data, Process data, Maintain data integrity and security and Query database.

Examples of DBMS include Microsoft Access, Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL Server and MySQL.logo_oracle

The DBMS software together with the Database is called a database system. It can be defined as an organization of components that define and regulate the collection, storage, management and use of data in a database. It is a system whose overall purpose is to record and maintain information.

Advantages of Database Systems Include, Controlled redundancy, Data consistency, Sharing of data, Improved data integrity, Improved security and .Data access is efficient.Oracle_Database_Disk_Structures

Types of Database Models Include Hierarchical database, Network database, Relational database and Object-relational database.

SQL is a standardized query language for requesting information from a database.

Access is the database-management program, part of the Microsoft Office suite, that enables you to maintain databases.Its structure makes the information easy to select, sort, display, and print in a variety of formats.

In this section I learnt most about the types of database, what it is used for and to use Microsoft access which is an relational database. we did a table about Microsoft access which was very interesting and I learnt a lot in this lesson.


Information System Methodologies

IS Development Methodologies contain models and reflect particular perspectives of ‘reality’ based on a set of philosophical paradigms. A methodology should tell you ‘what’ steps to take and ‘how’ to perform those steps but most importantly the reasons ‘why’ those steps should be taken, in that particular order.

There are many different methodologies used in systems development.

A methodology is a collection of Procedures ,Tools and Documentation aids which will help the systems developers to implement a new information system.

Methodology i s Used to make the analysis and  design process more accessible to non experts and to introduce structure into design and to make it more manageable.

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There are many different methodologies used in systems development .

Avison & Fitzgerald (1991) describe a number of methodologies such as Gane and Sarsons (STRADIS), Information Engineering (IE), Jackson System Development, Prototyping/ iterative approach and Structured approach (SDLC).

In this section I learnt about the IS methodologies and the function of it and how its used in the businesses.

Information Sytems Types

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Decision Support System (DSS), Expert Support System (ESS), Management Information System, (MIS), and Executive Support System (ESS) are the types of Information Systems. Information System Has three levels. ESS, which is Strategic, DSS and MIS which is Tactical, TPS which is operational.
EIS organizes and presents data and information from both external data sources and internal MIS or TPS in order to support and extend the inherent capabilities of senior executives.
DSS is a organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases and devices used to support problem-specific decision making.

TPS is an Information system that captures and processes data generated perform the activities associated with transaction processing.
MIS is an integrated collection of people, procedures, databases and devices that provides managers and decision makers with information to help achieve organizational goals.
ES is a Computerized expert systems have been developed to diagnosed problems, predict future events and solve problems.

Other Information Systems include Office automation Systems, End User computing Systems, Business Information Systems, Strategic Information Systems and etc.…
The challenges of Information Systems are Work force downsizing, Difficult to build, Security Breaches, Employees mistrust and information over load. However there a lot of opportunities such as Enhanced global competitiveness, Support corporate strategy, Improve quality of goods and services, Capture market opportunities and Enhance worker productivity
In this lesson I learnt about the functions of Information systems, Types of Information Systems and the levels into which they are classified and what are the functions of each levels. Also I understood the challenges and opportunities of information Systems.

Information Systems

IS is a combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination and decision making in an organization.All the components of IT, Such as hardware, software, Database, Network and other related components are used to build information systems such as Payroll systems, Marketing systems, Inventory Systems and Customer Systems.


We learnt what is IS and how its used and how people are related to it. In different sectors IS is used in different ways, In Accounting, Auditing System are used, Healthcare use expert System, Finance use payroll system and so on.

Information's and Communication Technology

Information and communications technology (ICT) is concerned with the use of technology in managing and processing information.These innovations enable the processing and storage of enormous amounts of information, along with rapid distribution of information through communication networks

The trends of Ict shows that more people have access to more information at a lower price now.image


ICT management has three aspects, Resource management, Services Management and Governance.

ICT can be used in many areas such as Healthcare, Education, banking, science, government and Business. There Roles vary in different Sections.

In this section I learnt how ICT is use in different sections , and in our daily lives. The Management software's and methods vary in different section.

Information Technology

Information Technology is any computer-based tool that people used to work with information and to support the information and information-processing needs of an organization.

Information technology architecture is a high level map or plan of the information assets in an organization.

Information technology infrastructure is the physical facilities, IT components, IT services, and IT personnel that support an entire organization. images (3)

The global, Web-based platform that has recently emerged spans the world and is best represented by the Internet functionality.

The platform enables individuals to connect, compute and communicate.

This platform makes globalization possible.

Globalization is the integration and interdependence of economic, social, culture, and ecological facets of life, enable by rapid advances of IT.

The stages of Globalization are;

•Globalization 1.0 (from 1492 to 1800)

•Globalization 2.0 (from 1800 to 2000)

•Globalization 3.0 (from 2000 to the present)images (2)

We are in a convergence of three powerful, technological forces:
(1) Cheap and ubiquitous computing devices

(2) Low-cost, high bandwidth

(3) Open standards

In essence, we have computing everywhere and anywhere, anytime and all the time, with access to limitless amounts of information, services, and entertainment.

In this section I learnt more about IT and globalization. How globalization has contributed to the development and the stages of it how it contributed individually.

Information Management

Information management (IM) is a general terms that refers to managing any kind of information. It  is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences.

Little integration or coordination between information systems, Direct competition between information management systems andNo clear strategic direction for the overall technology environment are some problems related to information management.

images (1)In this part I learnt how important it is to manage information well and what problems can be caused due to mismanagement of information.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Data and Information

     Data is raw facts. It can be in the form of numbers, characters, symbols, pictures or even sounds and it has no significance when it exists in that form.

Information is data that is organized and meaningful.  It is used for making decisions.Data is used as input for processing and information is output of this processing.


Data when grouped becomes information and when information is contextualized, it becomes knowledge.

Data Integrity is the degree to which data is correct.

Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) is the computer phrase that means you cannot create correct information from incorrect data.gigo

The qualities of a valuable information are, Accurate, Verifiable, Timely, Organized, Accessible, Useful and Cost-effective.

Information can be used to influence and persuade. it can be Information can be a product, a service or a commodity — something produced as a package. it  can be a capital resource, especially for companies that produce information-based products and services.

Information has two basic elements which are

  • Reach which means the number of people, at home or at work, exchanging information.
  • Richness has three components:
  1. Bandwidth (the amount of information that can be moved from sender to receiver in a given time).
  2. Customization (whether the information is tailored for an audience of a particular size).
  3. Interactivity (the extent to which the involved parties can converse).

In this topic I have Understood the distinction between knowledge, information and data.  How we can use Information in various ways and how it is use in different sectors such as education, banking and health. Also it is very important that the data is correct because no correct information would come from incorrect data.